Our Vision

Royal River Baptist church seeks to use the press ministry to glorify God by helping local churches fulfill the great commission. We endeavor by the power of the Spirit to accomplish this goal in the following ways.

       Short term goals:

Print powerful, doctrinally sound, evangelistic literature.

Supply tracts to church planters in New England.

Create video gospel presentations

Seed Line Ministry (print, coordinate collation projects, & distribution of John & Romans in conjunction with Bearing Precious Seed in Milford, OH)

Print and Bind New Testaments in conjunction with Bearing Precious Seed in Milford, OH)

       Long Term Goals:

Print Whole English Bibles

Print Whole Bibles for unreached people groups around the world

Establish a Bible Institute dedicated to training Bible translating, church planting missionaries

Open a youth camp with an emphasis on church planting, evangelism, missionary service, and Bible translation

Be a hub for the following: Bible translating; Bible publishing and distribution; missional training to reach unreached people groups; and materials to educate, enlighten, and enlist churches in reaching unreached people groups with the gospel

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